Tag Archive: Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie, a duck, and nightshift knitting


I’m still working so much I’m not sure of my own age (I told someone I was 43, when I’m 42) and with all the heat simmering my brain until soft(er), I actually… Continue reading

We’re going to need a bigger handbag…


My brain is currently the consistency of a lukewarm bowl of Angel Delight (and not even butterscotch, the only good flavour, but some putrid crap like strawberry). As I’m currently doing the zero… Continue reading

Christie and Crumpets – now that’s a bandwagon I’ll happily jump on!


Inspired by Lucy’s recent Agatha Christie fest, I took to my bed over the weekend with a steaming mug of tea, a stack of toasted crumpets and a couple of dusty disintegrating Christies… Continue reading

Reading Round-up (now fortified with knitting and library news)


I’ve been purchasing! I really can’t afford it, but BARGAINS! I was looking for all the Tommy and Tuppences. Amazon had the price for one book as £7.99, and I got the whole… Continue reading

I’ve had an Agatha Christie weekend!


Alas, I don’t mean I’ve spent the weekend in a stately home watching actors bite the dust or clutching pearls (possibly both at the same time). Nope, I mean I read the Poirot… Continue reading

Like Agatha Christie on Ice: Nightblind by Ragnar Jonasson


Imagine you could travel back in time, kidnap Agatha Christie, transport her to a remote town in the north of Iceland, pop her in the freezer for a little short of a century… Continue reading